It has taken us a decade to create and record these arrangements of our favorite hymns.
We’ve fused them with musical elements we encountered at our experiences attending and making music for churches around the world.
We find it beautiful how we each have our ways of praising God, yet, we all worship the same God.
Thank you to all the churches around the world for the work you do, and thank you for always welcoming us into your communities.
We sincerely hope you enjoy our favorite hymns. Sheet music is coming soon.
Merry Christmas!
Track List
1. Jesus Loves Me · I Want You Back
2. Be Thou My Vision
3. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
4. It is Well with My Soul
5. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
6. The Lily of the Valley
7-8. Take My Hand, Precious Lord - He Leadeth Me
9. Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring · Blessed Assurance
10. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
11. Battle Hymn of the Republic
12. Amazing Grace
1. 예수 사랑하심은 · 아이 원트 유 백
2. 내 맘의 주여 소망 되소서
3. 죄짐맡은 우리 구주
4. 내 영혼 평안해
5.오 신실하신 주
6. 내 진정 사모하는
7-8. 내 주의 지신 십자가 — 예수가 거느리시니
9. 예수 우리 참된 기쁨 · 예수로 나의 구주삼고
10. 내주는 강한 성이요
11. 승전가
12. 나 같은 죄인 살리신